‘Peaceful Unification’ Is Dead and Buried
The Chinese Communist Party uses ‘peaceful’ as a cover, a smokescreen to isolate and sideline whomever opposes its objective of …
The Chinese Communist Party uses ‘peaceful’ as a cover, a smokescreen to isolate and sideline whomever opposes its objective of …
A rumor claiming that Taiwanese can no longer use their passport to board international flights and that the E.U. had …
China is in conflict with a world order and a system of rules and beliefs that it now regards as …
Beijing seeks to isolate Taiwan and condition its people and the international community to accept a ‘new normal.’ It also …
One hell of a contrast: As Beijing renders illegal small political parties in the Hong Kong experiment with autonomy, Taiwan …
Given how little the two men gave us to run with, all we’re left with is what wasn’t said, or …
Former vice president Annette Lu and her supporters have floated the idea of a ‘neutral’ Taiwan that is ‘devoted to …
Expanding human rights so that visible minorities are treated as equals under the law should be the aspiration of any …
Yes, the two Japanese carriers have given in to Chinese pressure. But they may have found a formula that meets …
Much speculation has surrounded this month’s opening of the new de facto U.S. embassy in Taiwan and the effects it …
Beijing’s harassment of Taiwan is not only failing, it serves as a distraction for a regime in Beijing that has …
Citizens or Taiwan’s Civil Aviation Administration could initiate legal action in Taiwan or in other jurisdictions against airlines that list …
Editor in chief: J. Michael Cole
E-mail : jmc@sentinel.tw
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E-mail : jmc@sentinel.tw
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